September 15, 2008

Sitting in Slohio... get it.... SLOW + OHIO = SLOHIO... haha

This is where I unloaded this afternoon... Another heavy paper load for Green Bay Packaging (located in Ohio, not Wisconsin)

This is called a Dock Lock. It locks the truck/trailer to the customers building. It's meant to keep a truck from pulling away with a forklift in it. It's damn annoying when they forget to unlock you and you try to leave...grrr

I was up in Green Bay... again. That was the 3rd time in two weeks for warranty work for my truck... I once again after a week of sweating it out I now have Air Conditioning!!!! I'm stoked. Anyways, I was driving around Green bay, I went to the Packers stadium (BORING!!!) Yeah, I'm not really into sports... but I came across the Wisconsin Railroad Museum and had to stop. It was great. It's nothing compared to the Sacramento Railroad museum but it still had a ton of locomotives and cars that you could go in. In Sac, you can go in a couple but for the most part you just look in the windows. Not so at this place, you could walk through them, on them and under them. It was great.

This SNI trailer on a rail car is what made me notice this place. Even if the museum wasn't good, all I really wanted to see was this. I was surprised after seeing this how big of a place this was.

Schneider donated this trailer... It's a bit weird how a donated trailer has better tires than then trailer I'm pulling around now...

Out back they had a tower that rose above the trees. In the distance I spotted the Packer stadium...

Theres my truck!

Check out how big the "BIG BOY" Steam locomotive is compared to the guy down below. This thing was HUGE! I bet it was just awesome to be inside while rolling down the rails. I've said it before, if I wasn't a steering wheel holder, I'd be sitting in a train...

I wonder what that knob does...

They also had a really nice HO layout...

It rained the whole weekend in Green Bay so there were a lot of mud puddles in the yard... This driver who's hooking up to a trailer didn't want to get the interior of his truck dirt so he put his feet in plastic bags... hahahahahahaha

See Ya


Anonymous said...

Once again good photos and stories. Yes those old steam locos are beasts. They have sole they live and breath. PS I been follwing your blog since your Gordon days. I came across it back then on Class A Drivers

Tracy said...

I'm ready to go to the Sac museum when you get home :) I know you need to stay out longer but I'm ready for you to be home NOW!!!
Stay safe BP!

bernie said...

lol @ the better tires on the museum piece.

Unknown said...

Like Bernie, I too laughed about the better tires on the trailer at the museum. I've seen too many Schneider trailers out there that were in need of TLC.

Anonymous said...

Great pictures mate.

Anonymous said...

Hey Chris.
Time to update AGAIN.
I hope you are doing well and making money. Take care and keep posting on the blog with photos and comments.

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