March 28, 2008

I'm off to Dallas!

Yup, thats right. I was officially hired by Conway Trucking last night. I got the OK from Joplin, MO HQ's and will be sent to the Lancaster, TX (dallas) terminal today. It's about a 15hr or so drive from phoenix and Conway is getting me a fullsize rental car for the drive. We are paid half our normal paid miles for the drive. Any little bit helps!

We went through a TON of paper work and were given a "Conway Bible", which is a binder full of Conway info such as benefits, procedures, and policy's. Compared to GTI, Conway requires a TON more paper work but one of the plus's is that we get to choose our own route between destinations. We don't have to follow a routing plan like at gordon, so I can stay on the interstate or run the back roads, it's all up to me!

I will talk more about everything in the coming weeks as I was overloaded with paperwork and procedures this week. Conway has a "real" open door policy. It's not like other carriers where when you want to talk to your fleet manager and are asked to stand behind the glass window and speak to him/her through it. Conway let's you walk into the "control center" which closely resembles the space shuttle control room and walk right up to your fleet manager, sit down, and shoot the shit with them. You can even pick up a headset and listen to the crap that they have to deal with from other drivers. On back of one of the notebooks we received at orientation is a list of HOME, yes I said, HOME phone numbers of the CEO and other head honcho's... Pretty cool I thought.

Until next time, keep the rubber side down and the shiny side up!

This is the hotel that Orientation was held at. Brand new and very nice.

The court yard in the middle of the hotel with a nice pool.I went swimming a couple times and it was nice too cool off after a long day of signing your life away.

Even though there is a Waffle House, Jack in the Box, Arbys and Burger King across the street, this is where I blew most of my money... On junk haha.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YAY!!!! I'm glad you're finally on your way to get your new truck :)
Drive safe BP! Oh and I'm not surprised about the junk food, did they have your monsters there? ;)

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